The power of focused visual attention with the resonance of singing bowls sounds.

*Disclaimer: This practise involves visual rotation & pulsating movement on a screen. 


  1. Play the video below on full screen with sounds on.

2. Softly stare at the centre of the screen while the video is playing.

3. Always bring your attention back to the sounds.

In Tantric philosophy,  contemplating the power of sound & visualisation form the core of a transformative practice. i-Tantra combines the power of singing bowl sounds with hypnotic moving shapes, allowing to explore the combination of both. In this practise, you can feel the visual through sound and see the sound through the visual, while the movement of the shapes helps you understand the rhythmic movements of life's creation.

The philosophy of i-Tantra

i-Tantra" is an interpretation of the Sanskrit phrase "Aham Tantra" (अहं तन्त्र), where "Aham" means "I" or "self," and "Tantra" refers to the spiritual tradition of Tantra. The phrase "I Tantra" carries a profound meaning that can be understood in the following ways:

1- Self-Identification: "I Tantra" represents the identification of oneself with the path and principles of Tantra. It signifies a personal connection and alignment with the essence and teachings of Tantra. By embracing the phrase, one acknowledges their engagement with the transformative practices and philosophy of Tantra.

2- Empowerment and Freedom: "I Tantra" can also be interpreted as "I am free." Tantra, in its essence, aims to liberate individuals from limitations, conditioning, and societal norms, enabling them to experience a sense of freedom and empowerment. By affirming "I Tantra," one embraces their inherent freedom and the potential to transcend limitations and embrace a liberated way of living.

3- Self-Realisation: "I Tantra" points to the journey of self-realisation and self-discovery through the path of Tantra. It emphasises the exploration of one's own consciousness, inner wisdom, and individual growth. By affirming "I Tantra," one embraces the process of delving deep into their own body, connecting with their innate knowledge, and uncovering their true talents.

4- Integration of Practices: "I Tantra" signifies the integration of Tantra practices, specifically focused on sound and visualisation, into our daily life. It represents the incorporation of the principles and techniques of Tantra Sound as a habit and an exploration. These practices can be done alone, with partners, children, and anyone who seeks to enjoy the harmonising and empowering qualities of sound and visualisation.

*Disclaimer: This practise involves visual rotation & pulsating movement on a screen.

While it is designed to promote relaxation and focus, it may not be suitable for individuals who are sensitive to such visual stimuli or have a history of seizures or visual disturbances. If you experience any discomfort, dizziness, or distress during the exercise, it is recommended to discontinue and consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns, please seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider before engaging in this exercise. Remember to prioritise your well-being and adjust the exercise according to your comfort level.

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